2019_2021 Data
Question 1: What is the gender breakdown of degree seeking students? Hint: The count() function works well here.
Question 2: What are the top five towns HCC students are came from in 2019? What percentage of the student body come from the largest town in 2019?
Question 3: Take the top five towns in 2021 and make a graphical representation that can help to answer the question: How did the Covid-19 pandemic effect the enrollment of HCC students by Race for the top 5 towns from 2019-2021? For bonus use color and add a theme. Also this line of code will rotate your town names, add it to your geom_* : theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
Question 4: Consider the Data: Make a question and answer it with a graphical display. Add on the labs(),xlab(),ylab() layers to add relevant labels and tiles to your plot. Your plot should be easy to understand.