Final Project
Final Project/ Presentation
Your final project will involve the data set of your choosing. You can explore what data is available to you in R by loading a library the running data()
in the console. You can also visit
- Kaggle for some timely and fun data.
- Any of these recommended sites
- You can also scrape data from the web to analyse. I found it fun to scrape Seven Sisters running data
- You can of course revisit the Smith Server Data… But not the yelp dataset on that server.
Don’t spend too much time finding the “perfect dataset.” Once you settle on a dataset upload it to github.
What is the final Project?
You will create a report on the data you have chosen. The report will include the following:
- At least one in depth question and its answer.
- A demonstration of the many skills you’ve learned.
- Tidy data set(s) <- This is mostly if you get your data from the internet.
- Correct implementation of the tidyverse style guide
- At least two relevant well labelled graphics. Tables are nice too.
- 200 to 300 words explaining your report.
- A paragraph on wether your report/data is (ethical)[].
In short I want to see what you can do with a new dataset.
What is the presentation? When is it due?
You will give a brief presentation on your report in class on finals day. To facilitate this your report should be knitted/rendered and pushed to github by Tuesday Dec 20 at midnight.
Just walk us through your question and what you found.
You can ask for help, that’s fine. But to help me help you two things should happen: 1. You should push your data to the final_project repo on git (unless its from a built in library). 2. You should constantly push your work to git so I can see it.